Our areas of expertise:
Get the Workers' Comp Monkey Off Your Back®
with ActuComp
As an Ohio Workers’ Comp TPA, we can:​
Show you how to fill out the coverage application to minimize your premiums
Guide you through your necessary decisions during the first 30 days
Give you personalized reminders of premium installments and other deadlines
Help your business be more profitable by strategically managing your workers’ compensation
Analyze and manage all claims to lower the impact on your premium rates
Provide personalized reminders of premium installments, true up, group rating, and other deadlines
As part of your due diligence team:​
Sellers, we help you manage your workers’ compensation to be an asset and not a liability
Buyers, we help you understand the claims and payroll history you will acquire if you buy all or part of a company
Buyers & sellers, we advise on the impact of the transaction to your existing company

It can be a jungle out there...we can help
Expertise you can count on.
Bonnie Fraser, founded the company in 1991 and is a business owner who understands business owners like you. She will save you time and effort. As you know, Ohio workers’ compensation is a requirement and the BWC is a government agency that doesn’t understand business owners. She will explain your options to you in a way that will make sense. ​ As a result, Bonnie helps businesses be more profitable through strategic management of Ohio workers’ compensation.