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Efficient Solution for Navigating Workers' Comp

Learn how ActuComp works as an objective Third Party Administrator (TPA) to helpyou understand and navigate the Workers’ Comp System. Simplify your processes with our innovative document tailored to assist you in managing Workers' Comp efficiently. 

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Who We Work With

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Our Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services to Business Owners or HR Managers, Include:

Discounts: We help you enroll in the discount programs that save you the most but cost you the least in dollars, time & effort.


Deadlines: We provide personalized reminders of BWC deadlines so you don’t lose your coverage or discounts.  We provide guidance during MCO open enrollment.


Compliance: We provide personalized reminders of discount program requirements so you don’t lose your discounts.


Claims: We keep in contact with you as long as a claim is active or impacts your premium rates.  We advise you when it’s time to get an attorney for Industrial Commission hearings, court appeals, VSSR claims and OSHA violations.

Accountants and Attorneys

Accountants: Your clients will benefit by getting advice personalized to their specific situation.


You will benefit by being able to concentrate on accounting matters instead of trying to figure out the Ohio BWC. You don’t have to try to understand how to calculate the impact of claim activities on your clients’ premium rates.


Attorneys: Your clients will benefit by having ActuComp keep watch on the active claims. Your clients will appreciate lower legal fees when ActuComp does a lot of the hearing prep work. ActuComp also does evaluations for claim settlements as well as cost/benefit for pursuing additional appeals.


ActuComp is happy to advise the company when it needs an attorney for Industrial Commission hearings, court actions, VSSR claims and OSHA violations.

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Ease the transition to the buyer so
you can walk away with a better price.

The Ohio BWC will continue to communicate with you until the buyer notifies the Ohio BWC about the transaction. You need to:

  1. Have an independent TPA, like ActuComp, review your claims, premiums, and account in advance so your workers’ comp history will be an asset and not a liability. You may be able to get a better price for the business.

  2. Have ActuComp monitor and advise you about claims activities and deadlines while you're concentrating on the negotiations.

  3. Group Rating: If you sell some of your business, like three of your five dry cleaning locations, having the claims & payroll information transfer to the buyer could trigger the group rating clause in which you agreed to make the group whole if it suffers because of your transaction.

Don’t purchase a business and acquire a workers’ comp nightmare.

If the business will continue with the same location, employees, customers and products & services, the Ohio BWC will use that data to calculate the buyer’s premium.

  1. Add an independent TPA, like ActuComp, to your due diligence team. Your attorney & accountant don’t know how to access the claims and payroll history, let alone know how to use the information.

  2. We can identify claims of concern, and recommend actions to minimize their impact on premiums.

  3. We can ease the transition by notifying the BWC of the transaction. Communications from the BWC will continue to go to the seller until the buyer tells the BWC.  The buyer could miss important claim or payment deadlines that could be costly.

  4. It’s faster & less expensive to take over the existing account than get a new policy number.

  5. It takes more than a month for the BWC to process the transaction, during which you can miss claim hearings, payment due dates or discount program deadlines that result in increased premiums.


It’s better to have a policy and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

Business Meeting


  • Full time, part time, seasonal or spot labor

  • Using employees from a staffing agency

  • Employees shared by a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) (employee leasing)


  • Using 1099 workers

  • Sole proprietors & partners in a partnership;  they must elect coverage for themselves

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